Monday, August 08, 2011

Mellow Yellow Monday #133

Happy that I'm with RAC - not so happy to have to buy a new battery for my new(ish) car.


Liz said...

Aww. Cute yellow car.

Have a fabulous week.

Liz @ MLC

Marites said...

wondering what RAC means but I like the color of the car :) my mym is up here.

LilliStJohn said...

Golly Molly - isn't there a warranty of some sort even when u buy a new-ish car? Aah well, at least you have a new battery before u get stuck somewhere? Nice car - is this yours or a cabbie?
Have a great day

Angie said...

The Royal Automotive Club (RAC) was formed by a small group of enthusiastic car owners in 1905.
With more than 720,000 members in 2011, it's now a vital part of Western Australian life. These are the vans that come out day or night all year, whatever weather. I have been a member for 25yrs.